About Us

The Good Food Finance Network (GFFN) brings together a large network of banks, insurers, investors and capital market influencers to collectively catalyse capital and create an enabling financial environment for the transition to sustainable and just food systems.

The transition to sustainable food systems represents a $350 billion investment opportunity and can generate $4.5 trillion in new market opportunities each year. Financing sustainable and nutritious food systems is in the economic interest of finance institutions; acting now will enable finance actors to leverage the economic opportunities of the food systems transition and mitigate the continued and mounting financial risks faced if we fail to address food systems challenges.​

Launched in September 2021, GFFN aims to take forward the finance outcomes of the UN Food Systems Summit. During the 2021 summit, the ‘Food Finance Architecture: financing a healthy, equitable and sustainable food system‘ report and policy brief were published, which act as guiding documents for the work of the GFFN. GFFN established 14 ‘actionable areas of innovation’ which address the five core financial imperatives identified in the Food Finance Architecture.

GFFN’s goal is realistic and feasible. By bringing together leaders in the financial sector and recognizing the role of supporting actors in the food systems value chain, GFFN addresses system inefficiencies and facilitates essential communication, collaboration, and technical expertise needed to increase the amount and quality of investments and commitments towards science-based, data-driven solutions for a measurably better food system.

How we work

The Good Food Finance Network operates through five main layers of engagement: 
1. Co-Chairs

High-level leaders representing the public, private, and multilateral sectors, helping to convene the Leaders Group, identify critical sectoral challenges, and set the direction for mission implementation. The GFFN is currently co-chaired by Wiebe Draijer (ex Chairman-Executive Board, Rabobank), Rebeca Grynspan (Secretary General, UNCTAD), and Ertharin Cousin (CEO and Founder, Food Systems for the Future).

2. Convening Core Partners

Functioning as a Secretariat for coordination and implementation of GFFN events, mission-aligned meetings, and knowledge products, and providing technical support to Network members and leaders. Current coordinating partners include the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), the Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI), EAT Foundation, and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

3. Supporting Partners

Committed to the mission of the GFFN, sharing intellectual capital, participating in key events, and contributing human and/or financial resources. Current supporting partners include Food Systems for the Future, the FAIRR Initiative, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Rabobank, the Global Environmental Facility (GEF), Just Rural Transition, the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the World Bank, the Milken Institute and UNDP SDG Impact.

4. Network Members and Friends

Can join a GFFN working group or initiative. The groups bring together senior advisors and technical experts of public and private financing organizations to focus on identifying and implementing solutions to overcome barriers between food and finance with clear action plans and deliverables.

  • High Ambition Group (HAG)— institutions showing clear leadership, C-level participation, setting and achieving specific, time-bound targets, and working to mobilize through one or more of the Actionable Areas of Innovation. 
  • Good Food Finance Facility (the Facility) — aims to coordinate and accelerate capital through facilitated co-investments, bridging funds, implementation of financial tools and policies, and mutual accountability to small-scale actors while supporting the scaling of larger interventions.

5. GFFN Community

Institutions or organizations whose interests and expertise align with the mission of the GFFN. The GFFN Community has the opportunity to engage through the Network and be invited to participate in Network meetings and activities as guests.

The GFFN is underpinned by a partnership between the Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI), EAT Foundation, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), in close collaboration with the FAIRR Initiative, Food Systems for the Future (FSF), Rabobank, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the World Bank, the Global Environment Facility (GEF), Just Rural Transition, UNDP SDG Impact, and other supporting partners, who each bring unique capabilities, deep subject matter expertise and strong reputations and networks. 

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